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Momentum Stock Price Prediction

Various prediction models are being in use today to predict long term stock prices. But not all of these models are successful. As part of this research, the day to day fluctuations in momentum stocks is taken into consideration to determine the entry and exit price in the short term. Momentum stocks swing a lot every day. So when entered within the correct price range, a good profit can be made upon exit. However, it is easy to lose money when the stock price goes down because the momentum stocks fluctuate in the opposite direction with the same velocity. So, the main purpose of this study is to take three fundamentally strong companies (SHOPIFY, AMZN, TESLA,) and focus on the stock entry price, peak price, close price, and overall stock growth to identify the price range for profitable entry..

Shopify Stock prediction


Tesla Stock Prediction


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Python Code


Python 3.8 R 3.6.3
Power Point
